
These positions are decided by three organisations (hence ‘tripartite’); National Olympic Committees (NOCs), International Olympic Committee (IOC) and International (sporting) Federations (IF). The decision to select the single scullers is made by looking at previous results of the athlete, universality and if the athlete is receiving Olympic Solidarity support.

Each NOC must make a request for a tripartite spot by January of the Olympic year. For rowing there were 12 requests for men and three for women. Two of the women have already qualified through the Continental Qualification Regattas, so one spot is still available. This will now be decided by whoever comes fourth in the women’s single sculls race at the Final Olympic Qualification Regatta currently taking place in Lucerne, Switzerland.

Already allocated for the men are:
Al Hussein Gambour – Libya
Luigi Teilemb – Vanuatu

Already allocated for the women:
Claire Ayivon – Togo

Tripartite positions were created in order to increase universality at the Olympic Games, an important part of the Olympic Charter. The goal is to have all  National Olympic Committees (NOCs) present at the Games.