World Rowing’s main Facebook page had a plethora of feedback and a steady flow of questions. Thus, it may not surprise you to know that, as the days cool and winter training sets in for those in the Northern Hemisphere, beautiful misty mornings are what our fans like most about winter training. Long sessions on the indoor rowing machine, however, also held their own for appeal. The thought of waiting crewmates appeared to be the main pull for active rowers to get out of bed and go rowing on cold winter mornings.

A bunch of videos proved popular including this one of the 2011 World Champion in the lightweight women’s single, Brazil’s own Fabiana Beltrame. Fabiana shows us, up close, what it looks like to move a single really fast.

World Rowing’s partner for clean water, WWF shared with us a beautiful, but hard-hitting, depiction of fresh water on our planet:

And we also shared Rowing Australia’s video highlighting Sydney as the venue for one of the 2013 Samsung World Rowing Cups.

World Rowing Juniors proved to be prolific Facebook users sending in regular comments. When asked: “What does rowing mean to you?” One simply answered, “all”; another, “It’s my life”; and yet another, “It’s about competition, challenge and team spirit with my friends.” Finishing the sentence “Rowing is…” one said, “the meaning of life”, while another said, “addictive.”

You really shouldn’t miss the video of the World Rowing Coastal Championships which was a hit on the World Rowing Coastal Facebook page.

When asked, “What is the most unusual location that you have ever erged?” the World Rowing Indoor page on Facebook really got revving. The best reply was: “In my 90-year-old in-law’s house – my mother-in-law drifted in during my 2k, wrung her hands and said ‘I just wish there was something I could do to help you.’”

The adaptive rowing world was reminded of the 2012 Paralympic Games with only 300 days to go until the start. World Rowing Adaptive on Facebook checked out this site.

Time to check out the updates on our Facebook page.