Rising Star  March 2015

It was not long ago, 2013 in fact, that Australia’s Genevieve Horton appeared for the first time on the international rowing scene. She became a Junior World Champion that year in the women’s pair. At the 2014 World Rowing Under 23 Championships she won bronze, also in the pair. Aged just 20, this promising athlete will certainly continue to impress the world of rowing in the years to come.

If I was not rowing, my sport would be… underwater hockey, as it would still have to be water based and I love a good challenge.

I am a rower because… the feeling of being in the boat that nothing else could ever replace, keeps me coming back every day. The places you get to travel to and people you meet also make it a really enjoyable way to live. 

The rowing athlete/crew I am most a fan of at the moment is… any crew who are daring enough to give the Kiwi men’s pair a real good challenge. I love an underdog situation in racing. 

What I like most about rowing in the pair is… how two people can tap into each other so precisely that they can work as one unit with the boat and when you get it right it’s a great incentive to keep on going. 

Before a race, I always… pretend to have a power nap although it’s the last thing I could ever do before going out to race.

In 2015 I hope to… row up another age level to be given the privilege of racing against some of the champions of our sport. 

When I am not rowing… I am usually rushing around between work and university, although I love taking time to switch off and have a good laugh. 

What motivates me most is… to see how far I can push the limits of my body and what it is capable of, as not many people are given the opportunity to explore that within themselves.

If I was an animal, I would be… going off one of my old nick names of T- Rex, as I don’t have very big arms and am pretty clumsy by always knocking things over behind me.

In my fridge, you will always find… strawberry milk, as it is like liquid gold to me.

My favourite music is… anything that can take my mind to another place. 

My non-rowing friends think… I’m a bit crazy for continuing on with a sport they quit years ago, but they are all incredibly supportive of me. 

In ten years’ time… I hope to still be involved with rowing in some way or another whilst probably still finishing off my university degree.