
This large turnout included over 350 athletes from outside of Italy indicating that this regatta has become a staple on the winter regatta calendar. Athletes came from France, Switzerland, Spain, UK, Germany, Portugal and The Netherlands.

Portuguese Olympian Pedro Fraga came back for another year. Last year Fraga won the men’s single sculls and he returned this year with his 2012 Olympic lightweight double sculls partner, Nuno Mendes.

After finishing fifth in the lightweight double at the London Olympics, Fraga spent his 2013 season in the lightweight single picking up two World Rowing Cup gold medals. Back in the double with Mendes, their first major race since London showed that they were starting off on the right footing.

Fraga and Mendes won the men’s double at the D’Inverno sul Po recording a time of 18.36 for the scenic, winding course that takes in the city of Turin as part of its landscape.

The 300 volunteers coped well with the large number of rowers and organiser Maurizia Pennaroli noted that the regatta is designed to host up to 3000 rowers without having to modify the current organisational system.

The event includes junior racing as well as masters age categories and it was the senior men’s single that had the most number of participants – 30 in total.

Despite the D’Inverno sul Po often held in cold, wintery conditions, this year competitors enjoyed mild conditions on both days of the regatta with sun on the first day and then overcast on day two.